The Bioart of S'sab Muduoy
  The Bioart  
  Ssab Muduoy
fetus in a teardrop shaped ornament
Fetus Christmas Ornaments
Genuine Fetus Suede Apparel
Videos of Dr. Muduoy's patented freeze drying and glass blowing techniques.  

The completed products sold on this site are legal in Brazil and the United States as artistic curiosities but may not be legal for possesion in their raw form in your country. Please check local laws prior to ordering.

U.S. customers will recieve product freeze-dried in containers which are certified to conform to Type I of Federal Specification PPP-C-1266.

Completed forms of product are dehydrated and encased in artistic medium and do not fall under the nomenclature of "Medical Supplies," and may be shipped using standard Fed-Ex, UPS or US Postal Service shipping policies.

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